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Worried about Dengue season? These Preventive & Precautionary Tips Will Keep the viral-disease at bay

Known as ‘break bone fever’ dengue fever is a viral fever transmitted by an Aedes mosquito that usually bites humans in the daytime.

· Health

The Aedesmosquito is usually found in suburban and urban areas in subtropical regions like South Asia, Mexico, Central America, etc. On the other hand in India, the statistics are alarming and need some severe measures at the government as well as at public levels.

In Dengue, the victims experience fever, muscle & joint pains, swollen lymph nodes, headache, exhaustion, and rash.

When aperson is infected by a mosquito, the virus circulation in the blood takes two to seven days and it is the amount of time Dengue fever takes to develop. So, possibilities are there that extreme symptoms can be experienced at a later stage; however, if detected early, it can help one to take the right precautionary measures.

Dengue isn’t contagious as it doesn’t get transmitted from person to person but is certainly preventable and controllable. In most cases, hospitalization is necessary and dengue treatment at a reputed hospital like Kailash Hospital – Best Hospital in Noida is aimed at alleviating thesymptoms and offering an optimum curable plan.

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Precaution against Dengue: 

Taking precautionary measures is not only important for you but also for society as well as the country as it directly affects the healthcare sector. People contract the virus when they are bit by a mosquito so precautionary measures are important to be taken. Now, a day, there is a lot of stagnation of water on roads and on the rooftops and people use coolers and their spare tyres which are filled with fresh water the mosquito breeds in fresh containers and this leads to incidents of dengue.

  1. Keep yourhouse clean and tidy
  2. Don’tleave stagnant water lying in or around the house.
  3. Spraythe house with anti-mosquito sprays, especially in the corners.
  4. Keepyour wet garbage separate and throw in a bin
  5. Wearclothes that don’t leave any skin parts exposed.
  6. Use amosquito repellent cream.
  7. Keep thedoors and windows of the house closed.


Prevention & Control Strategies: 

To stay alert from dengue fever it is quite important to take appropriate measures to reduce mosquito breeding. Following are the appropriate precautionary measures to prevent mosquito bites.

Cleanliness: Maintaining complete hygiene in and around your home is quite essential. Also, keeping your surroundings neat and clean also keep the mosquitoes at bay and prevent you from Dengue disease.

Don’t store water for long: Try water (clean or stagnant) that doesn’t get stored in any pot, container, or vessel at your home as well as in your surroundings. The stored water attracts mosquitoes to breed and becomes the main cause of Dengue. So, emptying these water pots and reusing is not only economically feasible but also omits all possibilities of mosquito breeding.

Use Mosquito Repellent & Net: Apply mosquito repellent whenever you step out of the room or house. Wear full sleeves clothes covering entire hands and legs and use repellent on exposed body parts. Also, ensure you put on the mosquito net for protection against mosquitoes.


Don’t Ignore Early Symptoms: 

In case you feel any of the dengue symptoms mentioned above, it’s advised to you visit an experienced as well as the best physician in your nearest Kailash Hospital. Following the doctor-recommended treatment plan can help the disease gets managed successfully.

If you are from Delhi-NCR, you can avail of the services of the best Physicians in Noida housed at Kailash Hospital, Sector 27 Noida. Renowned and experienced Physicians in its Internal Medicine department are responsible for providing world-class care to patients of all age groups. Well-trained nursing staff and paramedical services help save the lives of hundreds of Dengue patients every year.Hea